Constant learning is the key to success - or, at least that's what I've discovered.
Over the years, I've amassed quite the library of books, articles, videos, and podcasts. Plus, my personal notes from all of these resources.
I'd like to share what I've learned with you.
On this page, you'll find some of the podcasts I've been featured on, please links to my blog, podcast, and a few recommended resources.
Check out some of the different shows I've been invited on.
Want to pick my brain? These resources below are the fastest way to do so.
Occasionally I write about things happening in my life and what I'm learning. I share some of these musings on my personal blog.
My podcast is all about allocating a bit of your time, energy and money into Alternative Assets.
Here are a few resources I personally use and recommend to my close friends and family.